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employee engagement

Our attitudes dictate much of what we do.  An engaged employee is involved, satisfied, and enthused with their job. Engaged employees feel passionate about what they do and often perform above expectations, while disengaged employees will complete their work but don’t feel invested in it.

Focusing on increasing employee engagement can help create an environment of innovation, as well as a performance boost and offer an increase in competitive success. Engaged employees drive the company toward its goals, while satisfied employees are there to do their job but offer nothing more.  


Whether one-off or a customized approach, our offerings are intended to get “everyone singing from the same songbook” providing a common language aimed at higher engagement. The following gives insight into our catalogue. 

Team Talk

An Introduction to Understanding Communication


Communication is the act of transferring information from one place to another.  The desired outcome of any communication process is for understanding.  In this Behape Presentation we focus on the work of Michael Arygle, giving participants tools to be more effective communicators.

Distanced Couple

Anger Management


Anger is a completely normal, usually healthy, human emotion. But when it gets out of control and turns destructive, it can lead to problems. You can' t eliminate or avoid, the things or the people that anger you, nor can you change them, but you can learn to control your own thinking and reactions.

Motivational Speaker

Conflict Resolution


Unresolved conflict can be expensive. It increases uncertainty, damages morale and undermines long-term team harmony. Ultimately this may lead to failure to deliver objectives and an unhealthy culture.
Conflict resolution is a complex yet necessary communication skill.

Networking Event

DISC A Communication and Behavioural Tool


DISC is a personal development model based on the work of psychologist William Moulton.   It can be used both personally and, in the workplace to help build self-awareness, inspire appreciation of others,  and foster effective collaboration between people with differing styles. 

Workers at Gas Plant

Understanding and Building Culture


Distilled down to its most basic “It is the way things get done”.   The seemingly intangible nature of culture causes many managers to treat culture as a soft topic, but it is the stuff that determines how we get things done.   We also know that culture is:  Shared,  Pervasive, Enduring, and Implicit.

Female Worker Smiling

Creating Accountability


We shortchange our people and deny them opportunity to grow when we fail to hold them accountable.  Being accountable not only means being responsible for something but being answerable for your actions. An accountable environment leads to greater trust, higher engagement and better outcomes.


The Art of Delegation


Effective delegation is primarily about entrusting your authority to others. Success in delegation is measured not by how you go about delegating, to whom you delegate, or how often you delegate,  but by the results you achieve through delegation.

Person Checking the Phone

The Locus of Control


Locus of control is the degree to which people believe that they, as opposed to external forces, have control over the outcome of events in their lives. Incredible change happens when you decide to take control of what you do have power over, instead of craving control over what you don’t.

Form on Clipboard

Setting Expectations


Nobody rises to low expectations. This session focuses on leadership and the importance of setting clear (and high) expectations.  While managers and supervisors intuitively know this – they may not be aware of their behaviours that get in the way of setting expectations of performance 

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